volcanic areas of the pacific north-west - 2 photos

Lava beds and geothermal features in the Pacific North-West.

nude woman on heart of stone, basalt, death valley, igneous rocks, mountains, nude, saline valley, sunbathing, topless, volcanic rocks, volcano, woman
Nude Woman on Heart of Stone
nude woman on heart of stone, basalt, death valley, igneous rocks, mountains, nude, saline valley, sunbathing, topless, volcanic rocks, volcano, woman
Nude Woman on Heart of Stone
heart of stone, basalt, death valley, igneous rocks, mountains, nude, saline valley, sunbathing, topless, volcanic rocks, volcano, woman
Heart of Stone
heart of stone, basalt, death valley, igneous rocks, mountains, nude, saline valley, sunbathing, topless, volcanic rocks, volcano, woman
Heart of Stone

Note: This website ("playa-dust.com") is only for my photos that may be shocking or "adult" in nature (e.g. with nudity or too graphic).

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